Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dating Tip: Don't Date Guys with Machetes

(Because of the brilliant suggestion by my friend Sarah, January will be a theme month. This theme might save the world.)

On January 1, 2008, as the sun rose in the mobile home park of Casa del Monte, in West Palm Beach, Florida, one friend's disappointment in the other led to violence. The first, trusting friend lent the second friend $25.00 with which to purchase beer. When the first friend returned later and discovered beer had not been purchased, he was quite upset. He understandably requested that his money be returned to him. The second friend did not return the money. Left with no beer and no money, the first friend knew something must be done. The something to be done? Attack friend #2 with a machete.

Don't date a guy with a machete, and don't date a guy who has a friend with a machete. And always buy your own beer at six o'clock in the morning.

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