Thursday, April 30, 2009

Really bad cakes

Since I'm a sharer, I will share with you a new funny blog I was reading (using to procrastinate) this morning: I bet you can guess what it's about, so I won't waste time describing it. I will, however, waste time telling you a cake story.

One August for my brother Jason's birthday we appropriately ordered him a cake and appropriately requested that "Happy Birthday Jason" be written on it. The order taker, after I told him what I wanted written on the cake, repeated my request in the form of a question, to which I verified by stating, "Yes, Happy Birthday Jason." Normally a trustworthy place to buy cakes, I did not open the opaque box until I returned home. When the box was opened, we saw the cake for the first time. It read "Happy Birthday Jafon."

Yes, the letter "s" when spoken through the telephone does sound like "f." But if you didn't ask for a specific spelling, were not 100% sure, and wanted to err on the side of caution, would you choose "Jafon" over "Jason"? Something to think about.

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