Monday, November 03, 2008

Oh, Democracy.

I just spent an hour talking politics at the mechanic's. As we sat watching the CBS Early Show, Harry Smith and the compulsory political experts interchanging red and blue states on the big floor map to show the current poll trends, my waiting-room mate said, "That's scary." Knowing better, I still asked, "That John McCain has a chance to win?" My fellow car owner replied, "No - that Barack Obama may become president." I could have just nodded and kept my mouth shut, but when presented this option I rarely take it. This instance was no different.

I replied, "Well, I instead am really excited for an Obama presidency." My friend told me I was young and brainwashed. I replied that I think I'm pretty well informed and in control of my brain, thanks. He said McCain was too liberal for him. I said I wish Obama were more liberal. We realized then we were not going to agree on much:

He wants to kill all of the terrorists; I want to try to change their hearts. He wants to intimidate countries into producing more oil; I want to find energy alternatives. (He then asked me what kind of car I drove, and was happy to find out - after my declaration of desire for less dependency on oil - that I drove a 42-mile-to-the-gallon Toyota Tercel. He respected me for this. I respected him for respecting me. We all know I could be much better in this regard, but I'll take the kudos anyway; I don't often warrant them.) He wants a strong military force throughout the world; I want that money spent on education and non-military humanitarian efforts. He believes government shouldn't take any of his money; I'm okay with paying taxes that go to beneficial programs. He says tomato; I say tomato.

However, we did agree that "the system" is flawed. I did say, though, that I'll take a flawed system if it means people who really need help get it, even if ten people who don't really need it also get helped. He disagreed.

You can't change people's mind-sets until you change society's mind-set, and making the rich richer and poor poorer isn't going to do this. (We agreed on this too, but then disagreed over who would help decrease the gap and make the system better.) The system obviously needs to change, and both candidates will try - I just think McCain will change it for the worse by making it harder for everyone to get help and Barack will change it for the better by making it easier for everyone to get help. Yes, "everyone" includes the moochers, but when it is easier to mooch than to work, why not mooch? If you make it easier for those who work to get help (maybe even more help than the moochers get!), won't that provide at least a little more incentive to join the working class?

I choose to believe Obama when he tells me he wants the American Dream to be reality again. I don't care if the American Dream is unhip, I still want my version to come true. I like believing that it can, for anyone. I even like white picket fences . . . and the right to use them for picket signs.

Besides the brainwashing bit, no personal attacks were made this morning in the mechanic's waiting room. Nobody yelled. Nobody really even called the other person wrong. Joe the Plumber and Betty Bleeding Heart left as friends. Really.

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